Office Hours:

Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings, Weekends by Appointment




Based in Houston, Texas and available for travel worldwide.

They say that

love is friendship caught on fire,

and we all know you can’t start a fire without a spark. 

brides & Grooms

inquire here

We believe the best partnerships (even ones with wedding photographers!) should be warm and friendly. But we can’t know if that spark’s there if you don’t reach out to say hello. We’ve got a cup of coffee and a slice of cake at the ranch with your name on it, so don’t be shy! Let’s find out if that kinship is there, and if it is—we’re ready and willing to fall head over heels—for you!


Based in Houston, Texas and available for travel worldwide. 
979-488-9202 •
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10 - 5
Evenings & Weekends By Appointment

They say that love is friendship caught on fire, and we all know you can't start a fire without a spark.

say hello

wedding inquiry

send your note

1 = a little, 10 = pee your pants

why, thank you!

We have received your message and will be in touch shortly. 

In the meantime, we invite you to join us on Facebook and Instagram and start following along.